The Unsociablists

Watchalong Bonus: Mask Up (Twilight Zone)

Kyle & Phil watch a classic Serling-era Twilight Zone episode

Episode Notes

You are entering a world not of time and space but of cheese. Do away with your preconceptions of how one consumes media and plug in, for you are about to embark on a journey to... The Twiligh Zone Watchalong.

Phil and Kyle tackle one of Kyle's favourite shows - The Twilight Zone. We watch the 145th episode of the original series - listed as Season 5, episode 20 on Netflix if that's how you're watching. I'm sure there are some good messages in there, mostly we just enjoy a 60 year old show about greedy idiots in masks.

Hit start at 15:34 to sync up your episode with us. Embrace the cheesiness and all will be well.

As always, please donate to your local houseless support programs.

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Episode 8: Taking Stock of Our Situation

Phil & Kyle talk over GameStonks and the Bezos stepping down.

Episode Notes

Phil & Kyle, upholding their lofty goal of posting twice a month, talk about one of the biggest news stories that came out of this new year (same as the old year) 2021.

GameStonks. The stock market doesn't make sense and I won't pretend to understand it, but we go through a smattering of explanations as to why it doesn't make sense and how the rich use it as both a way to expand their already insane wealth and to obscure that wealth and how it's obtained from people who live normal lives.

It's cold out there folks. Please donate to local houseless shelters and aid funds for those suffering under threat of eviction.

Watchalong Bonus: Mayor Lemon (Phineas and Ferb)

Jackie, Luci, Phil, & Kyle relive an old favourite cartoon

Episode Notes

We analyze, maybe too seriously at times, a children's show in which two gifted brothers elude their sister's attempts to get them in trouble. "She's the Mayor; Lemonade Stand" are two quick jaunts into the absurd world of Phineas and Ferb, but also have some common themes we like to talk about here.

If you have Disney+ the episode is listed as Season 2 Episode 31.

To watch along with us, please hit play at 03:47.

Episode 7: You Can't Win With a Hill

Electoralism and double deckers in official's toilets.

Episode Notes

Phil and Kyle take a look at the efficacy of relying on the folks in Congress to do literally anything for anyone. We definitely didn't plan the failed chud insurrection, but it did align pretty well with the release so...

Episode 6: Tears or Fears

And fear is such a vicious thing, It wraps me up in chains. Find out, Find out, What this fear is about.

Episode Notes

After a long delay, Unsociablists are back with two guests to talk about depression, anxiety, and the American system of mental healthcare.

Joining Phil and Kyle are our life partners, respectively Jackie and Luci! Two wonderful people with opinions and insights into the healthcare system we all fucking live with.

Welcome back, and thanks for patiently awaiting our newest installment.

Episode 5: Basically Nothing

The basic outcomes that each and every person needs and deserves and when they aren't being met.

Kyle and Phil discuss the very basics that humans need to survive and their ties to wage relations in the current capitalist hegemony. Also there are some bits.

Please continue to support your comrades through your local orgs.

Theme song is "Levels" by Yung Kurtz.

5: Conventional Lobotomy Techniques

Phil and Kyle consider drilling holes in their brains after the Democratic and Republican national conventions.

Listen, Jack, I know you're suffering and all, but let's get one thing straight, I'm the guy with the plan to do the things that'll get stuff done, right, huh? Did you take a test to see if you're on cocaine when you come to write show notes? Wait- I- I shouldn't have said that... I'm sorry.

Donate to bail funds and please support your local labor organizations.

Our opening music is "Levels" by Yung Kartz

Episode 4: BONUS - Episode 4: Predictions for the Far-off Year Of 2021 (with Adal Rifai)

Future is told.

Phil and Kyle have on special guest Adal Rifai of Hey Riddle Riddle ( and Hello from the Magic Tavern ( - two podcasts you should definitely listen to.

The trio tries to predict what horrible (or positive) things will come to greet us in the coming year, the looming '21.

Theme music is "Levels" by Yung Kartz.

Episode 3: Alien Nation

Eventually our world will seem alien to us.

Kyle and Phil talk about the implications of alienation in our current neoliberal framework. Friends Oglob and Zorzon keep a close eye on human development, hoping against hope that this wayward species figures things out.

Episode 2: F*ck Batman

Saving Gotham in the least efficient and most self-gratifying way possible.

Phil & Kyle discuss their takes on billionaires' roles in society. Are they off to the guillotine (parody) or do we find some other solution?

Please donate to your local bail fund in solidarity with those taking direct action for #BLM #DefundThePolice.

Let us know your thoughts at [email protected].

Our theme song is "Levels" by Yung Kartz.

Unsociable socialists creating sketches and shooting breezes with deadly efficiency.