The Unsociablists

Episode 11: Communism is a Four-Letter Word

Phil and Kyle talk about how anticommunism is just kind of the norm for our mainstream culture.

3 years ago

~Episode Notes~

How frequently have you heard anti-capitalist viewpoints expressed on CNN, in the New York Times, on the pages of the Washington Post, or from your car radio - tuned to the sultry, hushed tones of NPR's newsreaders?

Contrary to their guises of neutral arbiters that have no ideological allegiance, the premier press outlets are far from "objective." Instead they serve the same interests that all capitalist ventures serve - to consolidate and extract wealth. Phil and Kyle tread the path of the many more intelligent people who came before and examine the pro-business bent of reporting in corporate news outlets and in the culture at-large.

“Even if the press does not mold our every opinion, it does mold opinion visibility; it can frame the perceptual limits around which our opinions take shape. Here may lie the most important effect of the news media: they set the issue agenda for the rest of us, choosing what to emphasize and what to ignore or suppress, in effect, organizing much of our political world for us. The media may not always be able to tell us what to think, but they are strikingly successful in telling us what to think about.” Excerpt from Inventing reality: the Politics of News Media by Michael Parenti

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Unsociable socialists creating sketches and shooting breezes with deadly efficiency.