The Unsociablists

Watchalong Bonus: Draw Pretty Pictures in the Ruins of Earth (Cowboy Bebop)

Kyle and Phil watch the ninth episode of one of the all-time best animated television shows: Cowboy Bebop.

3 years ago

Episode Notes

Session Nine: Jamming With Edward. Click play at 7:10 to watch along!

Cowboy Bebop, a magnificently animated show about bounty hunters and their tangles with love, death, despair, humor, and the unknowable. Far and away one of the most beautiful animes ever created, Bebop takes viewers along for an anthologically structured trip through a future of gangsters, poverty, obscene wealth, and betrayal. With the episode we decided to watch today, we examine the destitute planet Earth, abandoned - by those who could afford to - after ecological and meteoric crises. Those who live on the surface must burrow underground to avoid "rock showers" from the exploded moon. Squalor, poverty, and Peeps™ mark the lives of humans trapped under the rubble of a forgotten home planet.

Phil and Kyle would also like to give a shout out to those of us still in the streets fighting for the rights of Palestinians and those fighting for justice and abolition of the American police state. The best way to show solidarity with those struggling against the American empire is to struggle against the empire at home.

Unsociable socialists creating sketches and shooting breezes with deadly efficiency.